A true tax expert is better than $20 do-it-yourself software. With software, you walk away from the computer hoping you haven’t accidentally done something to land you in prison. Tax experts not only know the current tax laws but can also point out areas where you can save money.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Your Taxes Done?

How can I help you?

As Dave Ramsey’s recommended tax expert, I can save you money by showing you the best way to file your taxes and let you know if you qualify for any deductions. And you can rest assured your taxes are done right, the first time. Plus, with the heart of a teacher, I’ll explain your taxes to you in a way you can understand. In short, I help make tax time easier for you.

Who Is Dave Ramsey?

Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, national radio talk show host, television host, and New York Times bestselling author. He’s helped millions of people get out of debt and build wealth. He is today’s voice of financial wisdom and he exclusively recommends me and my team to help you!

ELPs earn Dave’s endorsement, they don’t buy it

Being an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) isn’t easy; it’s hard work because ELPs are held to a higher standard of excellence. While ELPs do pay a fee to cover program maintenance and employment costs, Dave’s endorsement is not bought – it’s earned.

ELPs help you win!

With an ELP, you know for sure that you’re getting the same type of advice that Dave would give. You can trust ELPs because Dave has a 19 person team that works with every ELP to make sure they meet your standards and give you great advice. You can feel comfortable talking with an ELP because they will never talk down to you or make you feel stupid.

ELPs are constantly evaluated

Every ELP’s performance is evaluated every month to make sure you get the best agent possible. Also, you have a chance to grade the ELP you use based on your personal experience through a survey provided by Dave.

IRS Withholding Estimator

Watch this video to help you estimate the proper income tax withholding.


Download the 2020 W-4 Form