Latest from the Blog

Understanding and Reducing Microstress in Your Life


Stressors show up in our lives in all shapes and sizes, and while we often associate stress with major life events or overwhelming situations, there are certain type of stressors that are often overlooked.  Microstressors are the small and seemingly insignificant triggers that accumulate over time and slowly take a toll on our well-being. In fact, 91% of employees say that unmanageable and untreated stress negatively impacts the quality of their work.


Putting More Money in Your Pocket

Boudreau Consulting LLC provides a variety of estate, financial and business planning services. The company's mission is to provide solutions that place more money in our client's pockets through sound strategic, financial & tax planning concepts. By accumulating a diverse background of professional talent, Boudreau Consulting provides assistance to individuals, small businesses and corporate clients.

The National Study of Millionaires

The American Dream Is Alive and Available

Ramsey Solutions wanted to determine how millionaires gained their wealth and what factors were necessary for the average person in America to reach millionaire status. It became the largest, most statistically significant research project of its kind ever conducted.


We Remain Open and Able to Serve You

The team at Boudreau Consulting LLC is open for business and able to continue serving you during this difficult situation caused by the recent COVID-19 outbreak.  Our firm prides itself on being flexible to meet differing client needs.  This is a reminder that our firm continues to use technology to make it more convenient for you.   So, if you choose to limit travel and physical exposure to external elements, we can still serve you.

  • Our secured client portal allows us to exchange digital documents ( select the blue CLIENT PORTAL in the upper right corner of the webpage).  If you need a portal set up, please call (480) 776-3358 or email
  • Our use of video conference meetings allows for the benefits of face-to-face, including the sharing of computer screens if that is needed for better explanation
  • Email documents to TAXINFO@BCSBS.NET.  This is firm-wide email that is monitored regularly and is the most efficient manner to process work
  • Text information to (480) 771-0400
  • Phone our office at (480) 776-3358

We want all of our clients safe and healthy.  We look forward to a long-term professional relationship with you.